What’s really interesting about Friday’s excitement is the four hour news cycle; at 8 am it was on all the TV channels and sfgate.com. In the next morning’s Chron, nothing – not even a small paragraph. Story erased, pay no attention…hundreds of helicopter/cop hours, thousands of people late for work.

Friday morning I was freaked about us possibly getting camera crews in front of the gallery. Now it looks like the FBI guys never even mentioned us to the press, and really, I’m fine with that. I can see it play out. Homeless guy with broken art piece? Threat averted.

Like most of us in San Francisco I complain loudly and often about the government. But I will say the FBI guys were nice and professional. And I also recognize our trash was scary, we won’t do that again. I just wish they’d throw some of those massive resources back towards the car burglary patrol: broken glass everywhere, every morning in this neighborhood…

Wonder if they’d give the art piece back? Nah, don’t think I’ll ask…